Efficient effective
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DNV GL - Energy on Twitter: "@DNVGL helps you build successful ...Official DNV GL Twitter feed. ... @DNVGL helps you build successful, efficient and cost-effective #windfarms - minimising risks http://fal.cn/iFNw #iweaspring19 ...Effective and cost reflective distribution tariffs - DNV GLThe current mechanism will no longer lead to a fair and cost-reflective distribution of the cost, nor does it provide incentives stimulating an efficient use of the ...Maritime Software - DNV GLDNV GL is a leading global provider of software for a safer, smarter and greener ... LinkedIn Twitter Facebook ... Our maritime software solutions offer a fast, easy- to-implement and cost-efficient option for improving your vessel's efficiency. Starting with effective simulation-driven design, our maritime software options range ...Riviera - News Content Hub - Anbaric turns to DNV GL to assist with ...4 天前 · Janice Fuller: “DNV GL will help Anbaric submit a cost-effective, environmentally sound ... Linked In Twitter Facebook eCard ... the most cost-effective, environmentally sound, and efficient transmission solution for the state's ...Remote auditing – getting the most out of every interaction - DNV GLRemote auditing – getting the most out of every interaction. LinkedIn Twitter Facebook. Our remote audit capabilities enable effective and efficient activities where ...Efficient and Effective Similar Subtrajectory Search with Deep ...2020年3月5日 · We conduct experiments on real-world trajectory datasets, which verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithms.12 Tips to Make Financial Operations More EfficientOutsourcing wont be cost-effective unless a companys shipping volume justifies it . GENERAL LEDGER. TIP 7 Capture tax information when source documents are ...STAT3 inhibition with galiellalactone effectively targets the prostate ...2020年8月18日 · We found that GL significantly reduced the viability of docetaxel-resistant and patient-derived spheres. Moreover, CSCs isolated from DU145 cells ...Internal Controls | Financial ReportingPromote efficient and effective operations - Internal controls provide an environment in which managers and staff can maximize the efficiency and effectiveness ...The Secrets to Successful Strategy ExecutionIn our work helping more than 250 companies learn to execute more effectively, we've identified four fundamental building blocks executives can use to ...
- 1形容詞“effective” 和“efficient” 的區別 - 與BBC一起學英語
A drug is effective.”,通常不能用來形容人,但“efficient” 則既可以指“系統、機器等效率高”,也可以指人“辦事有效率、能幹”。最後,“effective” 還可以 ...
- 2Effective - Efficient. They mean different things in English
What is effective? And what is efficient? The answer to these questions will probably be differen...
- 3你问我答/ 形容词“effective” 和“efficient” 的区别 - BBC
A drug is effective.”,通常不能用来形容人,但“efficient” 则既可以指“系统、机器等效率高”,也可以指人“办事有效率、能干”。最后,“effective” 还可以 ...
- 4What is the difference between effective and efficient?
Be Careful! Effective and efficient are often confused, but they have slightly different meanings...
- 5英語形容詞「effective」 和「efficient」 的區別 - 每日頭條
首先,「effective」 的意思是「有效果的」,指「得到了預期的結果」;但「efficient」 強調不光有效果,而且效率還很高。 我們先來讀一段包含這兩個 ...